Let the cigars speak to you
Roberto Martinez is a first generation cigar maker. As a veteran owned company,we deliver hand crafted cigars with the flavor of the Dominican heritage out of which the RM Cigars was born. Our mission is to deliver exceptional quality.
Established in 2019, this boutique company sits in the heart of the cigar world, Tamboril Dominican Republic. With a factory that produces a portfolio of over 30 cigars. Employing the finest Tabacaleros the area provides.
Quality, precision and consistency drives our commitment to ensure that not only our cigars have the quality that our customers expect, but we pride ourselves in providing a great value.
Our passion for excellence has driven us from the beginning, and continues to drive us into the future. The team at R. Martinez Cigars knows that every product counts, and strives to make the entire shopping experience as rewarding and fun as possible. Check out our store and special offers, and get in touch with questions or requests.
R. Martinez Cigars line of cigars launched in 2019. We are excited that you are part of this great adventure.
Copyright © 2024 | RM Cigars | Developed by Joel Tavarez